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Initiative Verification Cost


Pursuant to Florida Statute 100.371(11)(b), Monroe County’s actual cost of signature verification of an initiative petition is $0.45 per signature.


100.371 Initiatives; procedure for placement on ballot.

(c) On the last day of each month, or on the last day of each week from December 1 of an odd-numbered year through February 1 of the following year, each supervisor shall post on his or her website the aggregate number of verified valid signatures and the distribution of such signatures by congressional district for each proposed amendment proposed by initiative, along with the following information specific to the reporting period: the total number of signed petition forms received, the total number of signatures verified, the distribution of verified valid signatures by congressional district, and the total number of verified petition forms forwarded to the Secretary of State.

All of Monroe County is U. S. Representative Dist. 26

All of the below verified petition information has been forwarded to the Secretary of State.


Amend 18-16 - Provide Medicaid Coverage to Eligible Low-Income Adults - Received 27 - Verified 27

Amend 22-03 - Human Life Protection - Received 20 - Verified 16

Amend 24-03 - Right to Clean and Healthy Waters - Received 222 - Verified 193


Division of Elections petition information: