2007 Key West General - 10/2/2007

Precinct Details: Util Bd Gr 1

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PrecinctHBethel - ()CLee - ()TSymroski - ()Times Counted - ()Registered Voters - ()Number of Precincts Reporting - ()Number of Precincts for Race - ()
1 - 1 Jaycee Club201118159490105611
2 - 2 Teen Center232217259727135611
3 - 3 Key West High173202258653111311
4 - 4 MLK Pool12212714141488011
5 - 5 Old City Hall145284361818163411
6 - 6 St Mary's Covt.164217273683129711
7 - 7 Moose Cl KW5610916135274211
8 - 8 Glad Tiding236228318810147811
9 - 9 Sr Citizen Pl262202248731146311
10 - 10 Latter Day Saints288175212703142011