GENERAL 2004 - 11/2/2004

Precinct Details: Pres & Vice Pres

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PrecinctBush/Cheney - (REP)Kerry/Edwards - (DEM)Peroutka/Baldwin - (CPF)Badnarik/Campagna - (LIB)Cobb/LaMarche - (GRE)Harris/Trowe - (SWP)Brown/Herbert - (SPF)Nader/Camejo - (REF)Number of Under Votes - (NP)Times Over Voted - (NP)Times Blank Voted - (NP)
1 - 1 Jaycee Clubhouse211282000003002
2 - 2 Teen Center246445130102012
3 - 3 Unity of the Keys Church214358030006001
4 - 4 M.L. King Comm. Pool50447020001004
5 - 5 Old City Hall174490021101001
6 - 6 St Mary's Convent180512020007003
7 - 7 Moose Club K.W.110270001001000
8 - 8 Glad Tiding Tabernacle248556000008001
9 - 9 Senior Citizen Plaza333405020000002
10 - 10 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints251481021005001
11 - 11 Bapt. Temp. S.I.452514121009002
12 - 12 B.C. 1st Bapt. Ch.346376010005003
13 - 13 Sugarloaf Fire Station327364001003000
14 - 14 Cudjoe Sheriff Sub.304285100003001
15 - 15 Summerland Salvat. Army350265000006001
16 - 16 Big Pine Meth. Ch.3483000211112003
17 - 17 Big Pine Moose Club245263050005003
18 - 18 Marathon American Leg.214221000007004
19 - 19 Marathon 1st Baptist Ch.348271160004001
20 - 20 Calvary Baptist Church283207121004003
21 - 21 Moose Lodge Mar.233193010003000
22 - 22 Key Colony Beach231106000001001
23 - 23 Conch Key Fire Station289218020009005
24 - 24 Islamorada Library381259021008001
25 - 25 P.K. Courtroom B304219020006000
26 - 26 San Pedro Ch.446295120006001
27 - 27 Elk's Club269233110005002
28 - 28 Silver Shores Comm.302236020003001
29 - 29 Key Largo Civic Club443330011005001
30 - 30 K.L. Library179211000004000
31 - 31 Dolphin Patio & Grill219205000002002
32 - 32 Key Largo Elem287282030006010
33 - 33 Ocean Reef Club41298000003000
90001 - Absentee60414828416423740631
90004 - Provisional53000000000
90010 - Early Voting41874621321611560318
999999 - Election Total194621964914871965283011101