City of Marathon - 2/8/2005

Precinct Details: Cty Coun Seat 3

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PrecinctM Cinque - ()M Mearns - ()Number of Under Votes - ()Times Over Voted - ()Times Blank Voted - ()Times Counted - ()Registered Voters - ()Number of Precincts Reporting - ()Number of Precincts for Race - ()
18 - 18 Marathon American Leg.12084002206123711
19 - 19 Marathon 1st Baptist Ch.166231008405193111
20 - 20 Pres. Kirk of the Keys151142004297124211
21 - 21 Moose Lodge Mar.12689004219112311
23 - 23 Conch Key Fire Station26470017460111
90001 - Absentee135195005335613400
90004 - Provisional000000613400
90010 - Early Voting7690000166613400
999999 - Election Total80087800241702613455