2005 Key West & MONRO COUNTY F. & EM. MED. DIST 6 - 10/4/2005

Precinct Details: Race Statistics

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PrecinctNumber of Precincts Reporting - (NP)Number of Precincts - (NP)
1 - 1 Jaycee Clubhouse11
2 - 2 Teen Center11
3 - 3 Unity of the Keys Church11
4 - 4 M.L. King Comm. Pool11
5 - 5 Old City Hall11
6 - 6 St Mary's Convent11
7 - 7 Moose Club K.W.11
8 - 8 Glad Tiding Tabernacle11
9 - 9 Senior Citizen Plaza11
10 - 10 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints11
28 - 28 Silver Shores Comm.11
29 - 29 Key Largo Civic Club11
30 - 30 K.L. Library11
31 - 31 Dolphin Patio & Grill11
32 - 32 Key Largo Elem11
33 - 33 Ocean Reef Club11
90001 - Absentee00
90004 - Provisional00
90010 - EVKW00
90020 - EVPK00
90030 - EVKL00
999999 - Election Total1616